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Naive Cynicism

Naive cynicism is a cognitive bias that reflects a tendency to doubt the honesty, sincerity, or accuracy of others' statements and actions While a certain level of skepticism can...

Mood Congruence

Mood congruence is a cognitive bias that occurs when individuals process information and make judgments that are influenced by their current emotional state People tend to...

Misinformation Effect

The misinformation effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when individuals are exposed to false or misleading information, which later influences their memory and recollection of...

Mere Exposure Effect

The mere exposure effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when individuals develop a preference for people, places, or things they are repeatedly exposed to Simply put, familiarity...

Loss Aversion

Loss aversion is a cognitive bias that refers to the tendency of individuals to prefer avoiding losses over acquiring equivalent gains In other words, people often feel the pain...

Introspection Illusion

The introspection illusion is a cognitive bias that occurs when individuals believe that they have insight into the origins of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, when, in...

Inattentional Blindness

Inattentional blindness is a cognitive bias that occurs when individuals fail to perceive or notice a fully visible object or event in their field of vision because their...

In-Group Bias

In-group bias, also known as in-group favoritism, is a cognitive bias that involves individuals favoring or showing preferential treatment to members of their own group or social...

Illusory Superiority

Illusory superiority, also known as the Dunning-Kruger effect in some contexts, is a cognitive bias in which individuals overestimate their own abilities, skills, or qualities...

Illusory Correlation

Illusory correlation is a cognitive bias that occurs when individuals perceive a relationship or correlation between two unrelated events or variables, even when no such...

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